2024-2025 Track & Field Registration
Rankone Clearance
Alpharetta High School is using Rankone to register athletes for sports. Rankone is an electronic health record which replaces the paper-based forms used in the past. All athletes wishing to participate in high school sports must complete the online registration process prior to practicing with the team.
Complete The Registration Steps Listed Below
Step 1: Rankone Athletic Clearance
All Athletes, click the Rankone Instructions link below for assistance with completion of the required documentation
All Athletes must be cleared BEFORE practicing with the team
Step 2: Fill Out the Registration for 2024-25
Step 3: Join our Team Communications
Team Text Message (Everyone joins this group. Please Scan QR code.)
Step 4: Reserve Your Team Spirit Wear
Step 5: Pay your fees (Due Dec. 10) $425.00:
VIa CC - Click Here for Fee Payment
Via Venmo - Code @AHS-TrackField
Via Check - Make Payable to AHS Track and Field
Athletes MUST BE cleared in Rankone BEFORE they can participate in Track & Field
No pre-season training, No practice, No competition, NO EXCEPTIONS
Get it done early and be patient as it may take several days or up to one week to get cleared
Athletic Clearance